Rasmus Waller appointed new CEO at Encare

Rasmus Waller has been appointed the new CEO of Encare. ​

Prior to joining Encare, he served as a CCO for Platform24, the market-leading player of digital platforms for virtual healthcare. Rasmus Waller took office on August 25.​

Rasmus Waller started as the new CEO at Encare on August 25. Most recently, he served as Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) at Platform 24, the market-leading player in virtual care for both public healthcare providers and health insurance companies. Previously, he served as Vice President of Sales at the medical record system company Cambio Healthcare System and was responsible for several international ventures, among other things. In total, Rasmus Waller has more than 20 years of health tech experience.​

“We are very pleased to welcome Rasmus Waller as CEO of Encare. Rasmus deeply understands the healthcare market and has a well-proven track record of building strong customer relationships and managing rapid growth in Sweden and abroad. With his drive and business acumen, he will be able to lead Encare’s operations forward following our offensive strategy,” says Sören Johansson, chairman of the board at Encare.​

Rasmus Waller takes office in conjunction with the company’s capital raising of SEK 26 million in a share issue led by Sciety. The new capital will accelerate international expansion and strengthen the organization in product development.​

“I am thrilled to take on this new challenge and responsibility of leading Encare, a company with a unique offer and positioning. Few health tech companies can offer a solution whose beneficial effects – better and more cost-effective healthcare – are repeatedly proven in published studies. It is also fascinating that Encare is a global company that operates on five continents. I see great opportunities for Encare to accelerate its growth, and I hope to be able to contribute with my drive and experience in growing companies when Encare is now scaling up. And I look forward to doing my best to complement an already solid team on this journey”, says Rasmus Waller.​

“I also want to take the opportunity to thank Anna Pettersson as interim CEO and Sören Johansson as working chairman of the board for his work with the share issue. As a result, Encare can now accelerate globally while we develop our internal organization”, says Rasmus Waller. ​


A second team of the Medica Uruguaya Corp de Asistencia Médica, Uruguay completed a Gynaecology implementation after a lot of hard work and determination and have now been ERAS® Qualified.They were trained by Prof Adrian Alvarez and Dr Uriel Fraidenraij of ERAS® Center of Excellence, University Hospital Italiano, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Encare has raised SEK 26 million to accelerate global expansion

Encare has raised SEK 26 million to accelerate global expansion

Encare has raised SEK 26 million in an issue led by Sciety. The new capital will accelerate our international growth and further develop the web-based SaaS-solution that contributes to improving surgical outcomes.

“We are happy to note the great interest in Encare, despite the difficult market situation. This capital injection makes it possible to continue expanding our business and develop our SaaS- solution that helps healthcare providers reduce suffering and costs associated with surgery,” says Sören Johansson, chairman of the board of Encare.
Encare has developed a unique software solution enabling healthcare professionals to provide the best possible care before, during, and after surgical procedures. The cloud-based, interactive software facilitates a qualitative and effective implementation and follow-up of ERAS® (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery) treatment guidelines based on research and best practice from around the world.

The new capital of SEK 26 million was invested by the Sciety syndicate, a leading investor in Nordic life science and digital health.
“Working with Sciety, we have not only received capital but also specialist expertise and a strong network of people in the industry. Sciety is an established investment player and an experienced and knowledgeable partner who can give us the best conditions to develop our products further and support us when our company expands,” says Encare’s CEO, Rasmus Waller.
Encare already has a large international customer base with more than 140 hospitals in 25 different countries, and data from Encare’s customers shows significant quality improvements and savings. This has resulted in great interest from all parts of the world.
Encare is now planning for a continued expansion to gain additional market share in the more than 17,000 emergency hospitals that perform advanced surgery in Europe and North America.
“With the new capital, we gain additional power to accelerate our international expansion and further strengthen our product development organisation,” says Rasmus Waller, CEO.
Every year around 300 million surgical procedures are carried out worldwide – but one in four patients suffers from complications. About half of these, 37 million, could be avoided. Complications resulting from various healthcare interventions are today a leading cause of death and entail high healthcare costs worldwide.
“We are very pleased to be able to help Encare on the way to their goal of minimising unnecessary complications that too many patients suffer after surgery, thereby reducing both suffering and costs. The company already has an international clientele and is on the threshold of even broader international expansion, which makes this an extra exciting investment,” says Andreas Lindblom, Managing Partner at Sciety.
Read more about Encare here

Professor Olle Ljungqvist receives the international ISS/SIC Prize 2022 from the Société Internationale de Chirurgie

We are happy to announce that the former Chairman of the ERAS® Society, Professor Olle Ljungqvist, has been awarded the prestigious international ISS/SIC Prize 2022 from the Société Internationale de Chirurgie. The prize is awarded to the surgeon who’s published work has made most notable and useful contribution to Surgical Science.

Professor Olle Ljungqvist and his research team have for more than 20 years worked on developing methods to improve care during extensive surgeries – ERAS® – enhanced recovery after surgery. In implementing ERAS®, different professions in healthcare work together to achieve a better result. Interventions before, during and after the surgery are included in the scientifically prepared program.

“I am extremely honoured to receive this recognition“, says Olle Ljungqvist. “We have developed processes that mean that patients who undergo major operations recover faster and have fewer complications“.

The award ceremony was held in connection with the International Surgical Week held in Vienna, Austria in August 2022.

Learn more about ERAS® here

ERAS®: How to comprehensively prepare a patient for surgery – how it is done in Uruguay

Dr. Marcelo Viola Malet, Vice President of ERAS® Latin America is engaged with spreading ERAS®; currently two institutions in Uruguay; Médica Uruguaya (MUCAM) and the Centro de Asistencia Médica del Oeste de Colonia (CAMOC), in Carmelo. Their work was recently presented at the ERAS® World Congress in Madrid, Spain showing that

  • “in Uruguay hospitalization was shortened to an average of 3 or 4 days; Surgery mortality and complications are in a similar range to other parts of the world, and functional recovery and postoperative pain are excellent.”
  • He further confirmed that applying ERAS® “should not be evaluated as an expense but as an investment for what is saved in a year.” “In colon oncology surgery, 30% of the cost of the surgery is usually saved, including care, hospitalization, and equipment,” he stressed.

An article was just published in Diary el Pais, the most important newspaper in Uruguay. https://www.elpais.com.uy/vida-actual/preparar-forma-integral-paciente-cirugia-uruguay.html?utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_nPs99Kwah0uJovWCBDd2UXdPzRfpH6rNo1ofKhXZnaq7W1L5OhXh1Nn07FPAcVkpDGRlw

Encare offers the ERAS® Interactive Audit System for continuous quality audit and follow-up of the ERAS® work in combination with extensive training programs including the ERAS® Implementation Program ERAS® Implementation Program.

Please contact us for details on how to be set up with the ERAS® Interactive Audit System.



The Colorectal Team of ICESP – Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo. Octávio Frias De Oliveira initially started their ERAS® Implementation Program in November of 2019. Throughout the pandemic and its challenges they have mastered and were ERAS® Qualified on June 20, 2022. They were trained by Prof Adrian Alvarez and Dr Uriel Fraidenraij of ERAS® Center of Excellence, University Hospital Italiano, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


The Colorectal team from Helios Berlin Buch, Germany became ERAS® Qualified on 13 June, 2022 after a lot of hard work and dediction from the team. The ERAS® Clinical Expert, Dr Björn Wellge and Dr Annika Schaffrin and ERAS® Coach Freya Brodersen from the ERAS® Center of Excellence, Universitätsklinikum Hamburg Eppendorf have supported them throughout the ERAS® implementation. We wish them all continued success in their ERAS® work!

Kongress med fokus på den kirurgiska vårdskulden efter coronapandemin

Den 1–3 juni går ERAS® 2022 World Congress av stapeln i Madrid. Kongressen ordnas av ERAS® Society (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery) som är en icke-vinstdrivande förening som sedan 2010 tagit fram evidensbaserade riktlinjer för bästa vård före, under och efter ett kirurgiskt ingrepp. ERAS®-kongressen är den stora mötesplatsen för perioperativ vård. Hit kommer omkring 400 ledande specialister, kliniker, forskare och utvecklare från alla kontinenter.
– Det är den viktigaste konferensen för alla som arbetar i vårt fält och Encare är naturligtvis på plats och träffar såväl befintliga som nya kunder, säger Sören Johansson, styrelseordförande på Encare.

Årets konferens är kanske extra viktig då senaste årens pandemi drabbade kirurgisk verksamhet i stor utsträckning. En stor kirurgisk vårdskuld har byggts upp runt om i världen och bara i Sverige har vi 100 000 uppskjutna operationer.
– I hela världen har det byggts upp en stor vårdskuld och vi ser tydligt hur ERAS® som process är nödvändig för att så snabbt som möjligt beta av denna. Och för att följa riktlinjerna på rätt sätt krävs Encares IT-stöd EIAS, säger Sören Johansson.

Emission för att accelerera tillväxten
Encares interaktiva mjukvara har visat sig helt nödvändig för att sjukhus och vårdgivare ska kunna följa ERAS® riktlinjer på ett korrekt sätt. Studier visar att efterlevnad av riktlinjerna minimerar behovet av intensivvård och sjukhusvård och minskar antalet komplikationer.
Mjukvaran guidar till best practice och ger en helhetsbild över varje patient. Alla steg i vårdprocessen dokumenteras, allt från det att patienten har diagnosticerats, till planerandet och genomförandet av operationen till patientens eftervård.
– Trycket på sjukhus och vårdgivare är större än någonsin vad gäller att minska kostnader och komplikationer och kapa vårdköerna. Följaktligen ser vi att intresset ökar för vår produkt och Encare accelererar därför arbetet med att tillgängliggöra och uppdatera EIAS, säger Sören Johansson.
Encare anskaffar just nu kapital i en nyemission – pengar som ska användas till att utveckla både affären och produkten. Emissionen leds av investerarnätverket Sciety.
– Finansieringen gör det möjligt för Encare att accelerera tillväxtplanerna och utvecklingen. I dag använder över 130 sjukhus i 25 länder vår lösning och potentialen är enorm, säger Sören Johansson.

Encares grundare håller huvudanförandet
Encare grundades 2009 av professor Olle Ljungqvist, som forskar vid Örebro universitet om kirurgisk stress och optimering av återhämtning efter större operationer. Han är också en av grundarna till ERAS® Society.
Olle Ljungqvist håller öppningstalet men också ett huvudanförand vid ERAS® World Congress.
– Jag kommer att tala om vad ERAS® betyder för patienter, vårdkvalitet och kirurgisk vårdutveckling, men framför allt vad det kan komma betyda i framtiden, säger Olle Ljungqvist.
– Förutom att pandemin i sig skapat ett tryck på effektiv och god kirurgisk vård, ser vi att vårdsystemen i allt fler länder i snabb takt går över till värdebaserad vård. Sjukhusen kompenseras utifrån kvaliteten på vården snarare än antalet procedurer. Att använda sig av ERAS® riktlinjer har under de senaste åren blivit vedertaget inom den främsta internationella kirurgin och den utvecklingen kommer bara att stärkas, avslutar Olle Ljungqvist.


The Ospedale Sacro Cuore Don Calabria in Negrar, Italy recently completed their ERAS® Implementation Program within Colorectal and Bariatric Surgery. They have, despite the challenges during the pandemic, been able to implement and improve their perioperative processes and show tremendous results to now become an ERAS® Qualified Center. They were trained by Dr Guido Liddo, Dr Stéphane Ilunga and ERAS® Coach Agathe Gennin of the ERAS® Center of Excellence Valenciennes Hospital, France. We wish them continued success in sustaining their ERAS® work and improve care for their patients!


Further, the Colorectal team from Helios Dr. Horst Schmidt Kliniken Wiesbaden, Germany completed their ERAS® Implementation Program and became ERAS® Qualified at the end of May, 2022. Showing outstanding results after slightly over a year, trained by the newly appointed ERAS® Center of Excellence Helios Kliniken Schwerin lead by Prof Joerg Peter Ritz and Dr Franziska Koch.

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