ERAS® Guidelines
and ERAS® Protocols

The ERAS® Interactive Audit System (EIAS) is available for a number of specialties, i.e. ERAS® protocols based on the published ERAS® Guidelines. ERAS® protocols are periodically updated and improved by the ERAS® Society Guideline groups.

This ensures that your best practice surgical guidelines are always at hand, resulting in a better patient experience of care. In addition to this, there are several other surgical areas where ERAS® Society Guidelines are being developed and scheduled for release as ERAS® protocols within the ERAS®Interactive Audit System platform.

ERAS® Guidelines

All ERAS® Society Guidelines are available for free on the ERAS® Society website. The Guidelines are published by the ERAS®Society and in some cases also as a joint effort with other medical societies such as The European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) and the International Association for Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition (IASMEN), part of the International Surgical Society (ISS). Copyrights are in such cases shared between the three Societies.

ERAS® Protocols: Explore the ERAS® Supported Protocols
in Encare's EIAS

Three people discussing ERAS Protocols

Improve Patient Outcome while also Reducing Cost

Our team can provide you with an estimate of your potential cost savings when implementing ERAS

ERAS® Benefits


  • Optimization of a complex care chain
  • Increased staff satisfaction
  • Reduced nursing workload
  • Fewer re-admissions
  • Great savings
  • Recoup resources


  • Structured information & participation in the care process
  • Patient empowerment
  • Fewer serious complications
  • Shorter length of stay
  • Enhanced recovery
  • Improved survival
Three people discussing ERAS Protocols

Based on Research and Best Practice From the ERAS® Society

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