Next Phase of ERAS® – Opportunities & Challenges

Next Phase of ERAS® – Opportunities & Challenges
To date, ERAS has achieved significant benefit for patients and health systems; however, improvements are still needed, particularly in the areas of patient optimization and systematic implementation. During this time of global crisis, the ERAS method of delivering care is required to take surgery and anesthesia to the next level and bring improvements in outcomes to both patients and health systems.

For more details, please read here Next Phase ERAS

Encare offers the ERAS® Interactive Audit System for continuous quality audit and follow-up of the ERAS® work and is available including Protocols for the surgical areas of Colorectal, Gynecology, Urology/Cystectomy, Pancreas, Liver, Bariatric, Head & Neck, and Breast Reconstruction.

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