Professor Olle Ljungqvist receives the international ISS/SIC Prize 2022 from the Société Internationale de Chirurgie

We are happy to announce that the former Chairman of the ERAS® Society, Professor Olle Ljungqvist, has been awarded the prestigious international ISS/SIC Prize 2022 from the Société Internationale de Chirurgie. The prize is awarded to the surgeon who’s published work has made most notable and useful contribution to Surgical Science.

Professor Olle Ljungqvist and his research team have for more than 20 years worked on developing methods to improve care during extensive surgeries – ERAS® – enhanced recovery after surgery. In implementing ERAS®, different professions in healthcare work together to achieve a better result. Interventions before, during and after the surgery are included in the scientifically prepared program.

“I am extremely honoured to receive this recognition“, says Olle Ljungqvist. “We have developed processes that mean that patients who undergo major operations recover faster and have fewer complications“.

The award ceremony was held in connection with the International Surgical Week held in Vienna, Austria in August 2022.

Learn more about ERAS® here

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