ERAS® Publications & Resources

ERAS® – Knowing, Not Guessing

Emphasis on the importance of multidisciplinary team work as well as continuous audit and follow up for a successful ERAS work.(JAMA Surg 2019)

ERAS® Interactive Audit System for Quality Improvement in the Clinical Healthcare Setting

10 years experience shows that the ERAS Interactive Audit System (EIAS) supports the collaborative clinical effort in driving quality improvement in the peri-operative care in a short time frame, in an international context.

ERAS program in gynecologic surgery induced significant decrease of overall cost by $4.381 per patient

Cost-analysis of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Program in gynecologic surgery (GynOnc 154(2019)388-393

ERAS® – Value Based Surgery – Financial Implications

Implementation of ERAS reduces complications and shortens hospital stay. These improvements have major impacts on reducing the cost of care even when costs of implementation, investment in time for personnel and training is accounted for. ERAS – value based surgery. (JSO 24820 Sept2017)

Value-based care – implementation of ERAS® programs results in major improvements in clinical outcomes and cost

Enhanced Recovery After Surgery – A Review. (JAMA Surg. doi:10.1001/jamasurg.2016.4952)

Net cost savings attributable to guideline implementation ranged between $2806-$5898 per patient” “in 700 patients savings of $2-4.5M

Implementation of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Across a Provincial Healthcare System: the ERAS Alberta Colorectal Surgery Experience (WJS2016-Nelson et al – Canada).

ERAS Implementation in Livery surgery shows a total mean cost reduction of €3.080 per patient

Cost-benefit Analysis of the Implementation of an Enhanced Recovery Program in Livery Surgery (WJS2016; 40:2441-2450)

ERAS for pancreaticoduodenectomy shows savings in the anaesthesia/operating room, medication and laboratory costs. Fewer patients require an ICU stay

Cost-benefit analysis of an enhanced recovery protocol for pancreaticoduodenectomy” (BJS2015;102:1676-1683)

Consensus on Training and Implementation

of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery. “An ERAS training course must cover evidence-based principles of ERAS with team oriented training. Successful implementation requires strong leadership, an ERAS facilitator and an effective MDT. Effectiveness of training can be measured by improved compliance” (World J Surg. 2018 Jul;42(7):1919-1928. doi: 10.1007/s00268-017-4436-2.)

13 centres in 6 countries; increasing compliance with an ERAS® program improve outcome

The Impact of Enhanced Recovery Protocol Compliance on Elective Colorectal Cancer Resection: Results From an International Registry (AnnSurg2015-ERAS Compliance Group).

Compliance up -> reduced length of stay; Saving of about €1650/patient per first 50 patients; Training and full time nurse included

Cost-effectiveness of the implementation of an enhanced recovery protocol for colorectal surgery (BJS2013-Roulin et al – Switzerland).

Shows shorter length of stay as well as reduction in complication rate by 30%

Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Programs Versus Traditional Care for Colorectal Surgery: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials (DCR2013-Zhuang et al – Meta-analysis).

Reduction in LOS, Re-admissions and Complication Rates

Adherence to the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Protocol and Outcomes After Colorectal Cancer Surgery (ArchSurg2011-Gustafsson et al – Sweden).

ERAS® Society Guidelines

– please read more here on ERAS Society website.

Watch this video on Activating ERAS® – How to do it?

Watch the video

LEGO Surgery – Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS® is Awesome) – How to applying the ERAS® concept can help you and your patients in the healthcare setting.

Learn more via this video

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